43rd Annual Golf & Tennis Charity Classic

Cohen Children’s Medical Center has greatly benefited from the hard work of the members of the Children’s Medical Fund. On June 18, CMF hosted its 43rd Annual Golf & Tennis Charity Classic at Glen Oaks Club in Old Westbury. The event featured a friendly golf and Tennis tournament followed by a cocktail reception and dinner […]
Augmented Reality – How Can It Be Used to Enhance Your Brand?

Last week, at our weekly “lunch and learn” session, Linx discussed the topic of Augmented Reality and its increasing adoption for marketers. Augmented Reality (AR)… You might have heard the term, but what is it and how can it be useful to your company? To start, let’s clear up any questions around the difference between […]
Instagram: The New Hub For Marketing

As many know, the evolution of social media has completely reshaped marketing by providing businesses with the tools that allow them to build loyal followings, create brand awareness and, most of all, generate more sales. What started out as a platform for people to connect with people, social media has quickly become the most effective […]
New Television Audience Data Can Help Marketers Fine-Tune Targeted Ads

Recent research has identified market trends regarding target audiences and the television shows they watch. This information can be leveraged by marketers to help determine where they should place digital campaign ads, while providing the opportunity for marketers to now target and engage with audiences they had not previously targeted. Marketers can now evaluate data […]
Think Ahead™ 50 Years

Inspiration Appears in the Most Unusual Places Have you ever been struck with a genius thought while in the shower? Maybe for you, it’s while you’re taking a leisurely walk, or playing with your kids or grandkids. Perhaps you came up with your newest product or service while doing something that had nothing to do […]
The Future of Video Advertising

The future of video advertising is upon us, with the emergence of a shorter, more concise video format. The Six Second Video is Upon Us. Back in January at a six-second hackathon at Sundance hosted by Google, the new format of utilizing the six-second video in advertising has picked up. Both Fox and Facebook have […]
Summer of Love Press Release Featured on PR Web

We are pleased to announce that our press release discussing our celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Summer of Love and our own rebranding at Linx has been featured on PR Web. It’s been 50 years since the original Summer of Love, and to celebrate we are asking people to let us know what […]
Amazon Moves Further Onto Netflix's Turf With Low-Priced Streaming

Amazon, which has a long history of pricing lower than competitors in many markets, is going toe to toe with Netflix. Their plan to have a worldwide standalone video service, priced at a cheaper rate, could be a problem for Netflix.
5 Transformative Creative Trends in 2017

Creativity is always driven by the technology that surrounds it. As we have all experienced in 2016, it has been packed with revolutionary technology that will help shape the creativity developed in 2017. The Linx team is excited to see what 2017 holds and what innovative and interesting creative will come about.
Facebook Will Fact-Check Its News Feed and Shame Fake Posts With 'Disputed' Tag

Finally, Facebook is taking action and fact-checking news articles and labeling them with a disputed tag. This not only helps the consumers gain real factual information, but also the ad companies who continue to post ads on the site.