New Television Audience Data Can Help Marketers Fine-Tune Targeted Ads

Recent research has identified market trends regarding target audiences and the television shows they watch. This information can be leveraged by marketers to help determine where they should place digital campaign ads, while providing the opportunity for marketers to now target and engage with audiences they had not previously targeted. Marketers can now evaluate data […]
Think Ahead™ 50 Years

Inspiration Appears in the Most Unusual Places Have you ever been struck with a genius thought while in the shower? Maybe for you, it’s while you’re taking a leisurely walk, or playing with your kids or grandkids. Perhaps you came up with your newest product or service while doing something that had nothing to do […]
A Summer of Linx – Our Summer Interns are Hard at Work!

This summer we are pleased to welcome three new faces to our office. Duad, Miles and Zoe have joined our Linx team as a part of our summer internship program! The interns will spend the summer months working with our marketing, production and design teams to help develop new campaigns and work on existing campaigns […]
The Future of Video Advertising

The future of video advertising is upon us, with the emergence of a shorter, more concise video format. The Six Second Video is Upon Us. Back in January at a six-second hackathon at Sundance hosted by Google, the new format of utilizing the six-second video in advertising has picked up. Both Fox and Facebook have […]
The Year in Creativity: 20 Trends That Drove Some of 2016's Best Marketing

This year has been all about innovative thinking that led to some of the most interesting trends, themes, concepts and strategies marketing has ever seen. Did you use any of these trends in your marketing?
Marketers Can Now Track Every Time Their Brands Are Seen or Mentioned on TV
This new platform could be a huge data hub for big name brands. With their data capturing technology, similar to that of Linx’s client IBM Watson, they are able to listen to all TV channels and capture data every time a brand is mentioned or seen.
What the Proliferation of Fake News on Google and Facebook Means for Advertisers
Not only do fake news stories affect people who consume these stories, but also the other companies that are featured around them. Responsible brands want to advertise on responsible platforms, and if Facebook and Google can’t get a handle on these websites that are publishing fictional information, certain brands may start to pull back on […]
Why Hedge Funds, Militaries, and NGOs All Want This Company's Satellites
If you thought you could keep certain things hidden from the world, think again. Thanks to new, more cost-effective technology, soon there will be satellites that can track every cargo transfer or hedge fund trade, listen in on various government agencies and so much more. Say hello to a new Big Brother. We work closely […]
Retailers Can Now Request That Uber Drop Off Customers Right in Front of Their Stores
Retailers are constantly looking for innovative ways to get customers through their doors, and piggybacking off apps that consumers already use is becoming increasingly popular. Earlier this year Pokemon Go! users were encouraged to visit retailers conveniently disguised as Poke Stops, and this holiday season, retailers are calling upon Uber drivers to deliver customers to […]
The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Is Now a Complete Disaster: Can the Brand Recover?
This is the call every executive has nightmares about. Because Samsung is such a strong and until now flawless brand, I would say they will recover, just like Coke (new Coke) and Tylenol and Audi.