Even if We Share Less, Facebook Is Cultivating a Virtual Landscape to Retain Our Attention
You have got to hand it to Mark Zuckerberg for staying a step ahead. As sharing is on the decline on Facebook, along with younger users (<25 years old) the company is moving into VR in a big way. This technology will offer users new ways to leverage their personal experiences and posts, to bring […]
Publishers Tell Ad-Blocking Browser to Back Off
This is a battle that is just beginning. Opting into to ad content is going to become a reality, if marketers do not provide relevant and personal content ALL THE TIME. Consumers are looking to the same rights they enjoy with email, but will they get it?
Starbucks Turns Snapchat Selfies Into Playfully Fun Ads to Promote Its New Loyalty Program
As media channels become more prolific, the need to adapt your campaigns around their features becomes imperative. This is a great example of how, as people turn to dark social channels like Snapchat, brands can become more relevant.
We're Finally on the Eve of the Virtual Reality Era, and Here's Why That Scares Marketers
Don’t worry about marketers… they will figure out exactly how to leverage Virtual Reality… the speed at which we change the way we entertain ourselves will only be matched by the speed with which it can be monetized by marketers!
5 Times the Next Big Thing Failed to Kill the Last Big Thing
When I was growing up in the Ad business in the 90’s, you always heard the stories of the prognosticators who were talking about the demise of medium or business model. While this article pays tribute to this concept I don’t take the story at its full face value. Today we do see that the […]
Why Companies Are Investing More In Becoming Partners Than Vendors
I love this article. This is why Linx took on Marketo to track the trust building process! Using content to build awareness and trust is the key to all marketing today; B2B and B2C alike. This simple story shows the truth behind the theory!
6 PowerPoint Add-Ins for More Engaging Presentations
This article say more about what is wrong with Microsoft than what is cool about these add-ins. Why in the world would it take a third party to enhance a 20 year old product that needs some cool new tools? Shame on Microsoft… with new entrants like Prezi you would think they might wake up […]
How Kraft Used Psychology to Make Its Mac and Cheese Go Viral
So how do you turn societal trend into a marketing opportunity? Get rid of all the bad stuff in your product and don’t tell anyone they have been eating crap for the past 35 years! Kraft under pressure from the market, finally took out the food coloring and other preservatives in their Mac and Cheese […]
4 Digital Marketing Trends You Can't Afford to Ignore
Where does editorial begin and advertising end… not sure that can be answered today. These 4 trends clarify that digital strategy today encompass the need to be both at the same time. Content develop has become the mainstay of marketing on almost every front. That is why the need for products like Marketo continue to […]
Where Have All the Creatives Gone?
From Ad boot camp to tech camp? That is what we’re seeing with the talent in our business. Hey why not, we get exposed to thousands of businesses and business models. Learn from each experience and have so much to offer as the world of technology continues to permeate our lives. Heck, I’m even putting […]