Linx Helps Client Celebrate 30 Years of Innovation and Thought Leadership

Linx was excited and honored to help our client, VJ Group, a global leader in x-ray inspection solutions, celebrate 30 years of innovation and thought leadership by planning, producing, managing and promoting “The Future of NDT Symposium” that took place near their headquarters in New York, USA, October 12th – 14th. The symposium provided the […]
What happens when you pull your brand out of branded content?
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU PULL YOUR BRAND OUT OF BRANDED CONTENT? SEPTEMBER 11, 2017ADVERTISING, BUSINESS, MARKETING, MEDIA, SOCIAL MEDIA, STRATEGY, UNCATEGORIZEDNO COMMENTS If you pulled your brand out of your branded content what quality of content are you left with? A strong narrative with a solid story to tell, or a weak sales pitch that […]
Linx revamps newest client Creme Allure’s branding
Linx’s newest client, Crème Allure, a Gourmet Ice Cream and Ice Cream Gifts retailer, came to us in need of new marketing strategy that would help them accomplish their goals of growing their online business. When they came to us, their website and outreach materials did not accurately represent their brand and unique product offerings. […]
Amazon Moves Further Onto Netflix's Turf With Low-Priced Streaming

Amazon, which has a long history of pricing lower than competitors in many markets, is going toe to toe with Netflix. Their plan to have a worldwide standalone video service, priced at a cheaper rate, could be a problem for Netflix.
Five Things CMOs Want in 2017

At the end of every year, Linx devises a plan to see what we should implement for the upcoming year. Before your plan is finished for 2017, you might want to consider some of these ideas and strategies for your company.
Facebook Will Fact-Check Its News Feed and Shame Fake Posts With 'Disputed' Tag

Finally, Facebook is taking action and fact-checking news articles and labeling them with a disputed tag. This not only helps the consumers gain real factual information, but also the ad companies who continue to post ads on the site.
Hearst Is Launching a 10-Person Team Tasked With Building Voice-Activated Experiences

Information is all around us, and gaining that information and knowledge is easier than ever. Hearst is now joining the era of voice-activated devices and using an API similar to the technology employed by our client Essextec CI, to compile data and give a summarized answer to the user.
Time to Put Away These Common Big Data Misconceptions

Every marketer loves data, but action is needed to make it more useful and effective. If you just collect the data and don’t adapt your current campaigns and apply it to your future campaigns, it is a useless tool. Look out for Linx in 2017 as we introduce some new predictive marketing tools!
Infographic: How Programmatic Is Getting a Major Boost This Holiday Season

We all know the holiday shopping ads are more appealing than ever. That is because companies are shifting more of their budget to programmatic buying, so the audience is more focused and the ads more contextual. Now with little or no negotiations between buyers and sellers there was more time to shop for them than […]
Snapchat's Latest Moves Are Making It Look More Like a TV Disrupter Than a Social App

TV, Netflix, Amazon Prime, YouTube, Snapchat. You are able to watch TV shows on all of them. With Snapchat being new to the group, they are catching up pretty quickly. As the saying goes “if you can’t beat them, join them”.