A Summer of Linx – Our Summer Interns are Hard at Work!

This summer we are pleased to welcome three new faces to our office. Duad, Miles and Zoe have joined our Linx team as a part of our summer internship program! The interns will spend the summer months working with our marketing, production and design teams to help develop new campaigns and work on existing campaigns […]
The Future of Video Advertising

The future of video advertising is upon us, with the emergence of a shorter, more concise video format. The Six Second Video is Upon Us. Back in January at a six-second hackathon at Sundance hosted by Google, the new format of utilizing the six-second video in advertising has picked up. Both Fox and Facebook have […]
Summer of Love Press Release Featured on PR Web

We are pleased to announce that our press release discussing our celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Summer of Love and our own rebranding at Linx has been featured on PR Web. It’s been 50 years since the original Summer of Love, and to celebrate we are asking people to let us know what […]
Amazon Moves Further Onto Netflix's Turf With Low-Priced Streaming

Amazon, which has a long history of pricing lower than competitors in many markets, is going toe to toe with Netflix. Their plan to have a worldwide standalone video service, priced at a cheaper rate, could be a problem for Netflix.
Five Things CMOs Want in 2017

At the end of every year, Linx devises a plan to see what we should implement for the upcoming year. Before your plan is finished for 2017, you might want to consider some of these ideas and strategies for your company.
5 Transformative Creative Trends in 2017

Creativity is always driven by the technology that surrounds it. As we have all experienced in 2016, it has been packed with revolutionary technology that will help shape the creativity developed in 2017. The Linx team is excited to see what 2017 holds and what innovative and interesting creative will come about.
Facebook Will Fact-Check Its News Feed and Shame Fake Posts With 'Disputed' Tag

Finally, Facebook is taking action and fact-checking news articles and labeling them with a disputed tag. This not only helps the consumers gain real factual information, but also the ad companies who continue to post ads on the site.
Infographic: How Programmatic Is Getting a Major Boost This Holiday Season

We all know the holiday shopping ads are more appealing than ever. That is because companies are shifting more of their budget to programmatic buying, so the audience is more focused and the ads more contextual. Now with little or no negotiations between buyers and sellers there was more time to shop for them than […]
The Year in Creativity: 20 Trends That Drove Some of 2016's Best Marketing

This year has been all about innovative thinking that led to some of the most interesting trends, themes, concepts and strategies marketing has ever seen. Did you use any of these trends in your marketing?
Why Seeking Untapped 'White Space' Is a Dangerous Trap for Marketers

If you’re thinking of filling a space that hasn’t been filled before, you probably shouldn’t. Although the key to marketing is standing out from the competition, sometimes standing too far out could make you too irrelevant to what the customer wants. At Linx, we help you differentiate yourself from the competition, but in a way […]