New Television Audience Data Can Help Marketers Fine-Tune Targeted Ads

Recent research has identified market trends regarding target audiences and the television shows they watch. This information can be leveraged by marketers to help determine where they should place digital campaign ads, while providing the opportunity for marketers to now target and engage with audiences they had not previously targeted. Marketers can now evaluate data […]
Think Ahead™ 50 Years

Inspiration Appears in the Most Unusual Places Have you ever been struck with a genius thought while in the shower? Maybe for you, it’s while you’re taking a leisurely walk, or playing with your kids or grandkids. Perhaps you came up with your newest product or service while doing something that had nothing to do […]
A Summer of Linx – Our Summer Interns are Hard at Work!

This summer we are pleased to welcome three new faces to our office. Duad, Miles and Zoe have joined our Linx team as a part of our summer internship program! The interns will spend the summer months working with our marketing, production and design teams to help develop new campaigns and work on existing campaigns […]
The Future of Video Advertising

The future of video advertising is upon us, with the emergence of a shorter, more concise video format. The Six Second Video is Upon Us. Back in January at a six-second hackathon at Sundance hosted by Google, the new format of utilizing the six-second video in advertising has picked up. Both Fox and Facebook have […]
Summer of Love Press Release Featured on PR Web

We are pleased to announce that our press release discussing our celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Summer of Love and our own rebranding at Linx has been featured on PR Web. It’s been 50 years since the original Summer of Love, and to celebrate we are asking people to let us know what […]
Linx Helps Client Celebrate 30 Years of Innovation and Thought Leadership

Linx was excited and honored to help our client, VJ Group, a global leader in x-ray inspection solutions, celebrate 30 years of innovation and thought leadership by planning, producing, managing and promoting “The Future of NDT Symposium” that took place near their headquarters in New York, USA, October 12th – 14th. The symposium provided the […]