3 Things Brands Should Know About Gen Z—and They're Not All About Snapchat

Millennials will soon be phased out as the target demographic for many industries to make room for the new kids in town, Generation Z. Brands will have to get creative to catch the focus of these digitally-reliant, advertising embracing, fad-chasing consumers. Predictive marketing is going to play a huge role in this transition phase and […]

Retailers Can Now Request That Uber Drop Off Customers Right in Front of Their Stores

Retailers are constantly looking for innovative ways to get customers through their doors, and piggybacking off apps that consumers already use is becoming increasingly popular. Earlier this year Pokemon Go! users were encouraged to visit retailers conveniently disguised as Poke Stops, and this holiday season, retailers are calling upon Uber drivers to deliver customers to […]

A Hyper-Targeted Audience Is Not Necessarily the Right Audience

How close is too close? Often times we think the more targeted our ads, the better the results. New research has found that is not the case anymore. Here at Linx, we have been reaching our audience not just by demographic identifiers, but with messaging that’s personal, in-context and highly relevant to their needs and […]

Here's What Different Mobile Ad Formats Do to Your Brain

At Linx, we feel that a targeted approach is the best way to reach your goal demographic, not only efficiently, but effectively. Is it possible your ad is driving your customers away, or are you just overwhelming their brain? Take a look at how mobile consumers responded to different industry verticals in different formats in […]

Why Only the 'Right' Customers Are Right

Wouldn’t it be great if all decisions were this easy? Linx is helping our customers find their best customer using predictive models to show intent and future purchases… Now it is easy to keep your best customers happy!

Campbell Cleans Up Its Act With Wellness-Focused Soup Line

Campbell’s is late to the game as almost every other food manufacture has cleaned up their products with less salt and additives along with all natural ingredients. They are playing catch-up. Here is where market demand really is working!

IBM launches Watson powered ad effort: Can cognitive revamp advertising?

Buy Buy Buy… my dear Watson! Linx has been working with IBM Watson with some of our clients and this week IBM is rolling out a test program for advertisers that connect dynamic data (weather.com) and other behavioral attributes, to more accurately target and message prospects. While IBM is touting engagement over CPM and CPC, […]

Will You Live to 100? Marketers Are Betting on It

Finally, a great story about marketing and life… while the article mostly covers health… I would say that finances are going to be as important in extended life spans and staying healthy and fit!