Introducing Linx's NEW In-House Video Production Department
There are hundreds of ways to communicate your company’s message, but none are more powerful and engaging than the use of video. A well-made video elicits emotion and nostalgia, and can explain complex concepts in simple ways. Contact Linx to discover how video can unlock your brand’s true potential.
How to Harness the Power of Real Time Marketing
There’s a reason tickets to the World Series sell out so quickly: it’s about more than just the baseball. The thrill of watching a live event, the chance to
Marketing vs. Advertising: Crowning the Champion
In the spirit of competition, the world can recall some of the greatest match-ups in history. From the World Heavyweight Championship to the Olympic gold
Traditional Marketing is Not Dying (It’s Evolving)
You’ve heard it before: print, TV, retail – they’re dying industries (or already dead). Digital is taking over the world and marketing will never be
Facebook to Swap Free Marketing Rides for Paid Fares
Facebook is a free platform. Credit cards, service contracts and monthly payments aside, we all have access to its 1.23 billion monthly users. The