Our Strategy & solutions
GVS turned to Linx to completely redesign all its online and offline marketing materials, as well as improve their website functionality and user interface.
GVS required a solution to address a major problem in their existing process for member appointment scheduling and validation of completed appointments from providers. GVS requires vouchers to be submitted by their providers in order to validate member appointments and insurance usage, but the system in place was not optimized to move information between GVS, members and providers. Linx developed a series of process maps that outlined the proposed process between the three key entities, and structured the foundation of the website to streamline this process.
Linx strategically mapped out a new website platform structure and implemented a simple and easy to navitage step by step process for members to search provider locations, shcedule appointments, and recieve important notifications. We then built out a full backend database to continuously update store locations and information, export reporting for appointments by store, and allow internal reps to schedule member appointments through a mirrored interface. In our secondary phase, Linx has integrated a section of the website for members to browse through multi-tiered frames their plan qualifies them for with 360-degree viewing, and we produced photos and videos of their mobile eye care van to promote the new service.
Today, the revamped GVS system successfully accepts appointments, sends notifications to providers and customers, helping GVS keep track of appointments and redemptions, and improve its bottom line. Appointments so far increased by 25+% and redemption of service vouchers increased by over 30%.